Writing this book was a process of multiple years, during which I relied on the expertise of many others to bring this book to life. Through this section, I’d like to thank everyone who helped and supported me.
The initial content was born through a blog series I started with Joran van Apeldoorn. I want to thank him for fruitful brainstorming sessions and for helping to establish a clear set of messages for a well-defined audience - a crucial first step in crafting a meaningful story.
I am also indebted to many other friends, colleagues, and peers in the field of quantum computing who have helped me with advice, feedback, and insights. I want to thank Dimitri van Esch and Christian Schaffner for their broad tips and feedback, especially for helping me grasp many subtle details about cybersecurity. I’m grateful to Leonie Cazemier, Jonas Helsen, Victor Land, and Mischa Vos for their proofreading and helpful feedback. Also, many thanks go to Seenivasan Hariharan for extensive feedback and invaluable guidance on the topic of chemistry and material science. Moreover, I want to express my appreciation to Craig Gidney and Kareljan Schoutens for helping me with many broader insights and discussions, and to many people at QuSoft for insightful exchanges over the past years. Last but not least, a special thanks to Ronald de Wolf for proofreading the entire book and for sharply pointing out several mistakes and nuances.
I am grateful to the University of Amsterdam and Quantum Delta NL for their support, which (amongst others) made the publication of this book possible. Also, thanks to QuTech for allowing me to use the beautiful pictures of their labs.
The website is built using Jekyll and hosted by Github Pages The skin is Just The Docs with my own modifications.